Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Embedded Essays

Embedded Essays Embedded Essay Embedded Essay Paper II Section : II Embedded Systems INDEX No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Toggle Port LED Simulate Binary Counter at Port Generate delay using TIMER_0 Stepper Motor (clockwise/Anticlockwise) Generating square wave at port pin Generating Triangular wave at port pin Sine wave generation using look-up table Microcontrollers communicating over a serial link Read switch-status from i/p port and display at o/p port Using Input Capture Pin (ICP), measure pulse width display at o/p port Topic Date 6-9-2010 9-9-2010 17-9-2010 24-9-2010 8-10-2010 15-10-2010 15-10-2010 29-10-2010 22-11-2010 24-11-2010 Page 02 03 04 06 07 09 10 11 13 15 Sign Practical – 01 Toggle Port LED Aim : Write a program in embedded C programming language to alternately ON/OFF LEDs connected to 2 different ports. Components Used: i)AT90S8535 Micro controller ii)LED? S iii)Ground Code: #include #include void main(void) { DDRA = 0xff; PORTA = 0x00; DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0x00; while(1) { delay_ms(100); PORTA = 0x01; PORTB = 0x00; delay_ms(100); PORTA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x01; }; } Output: Mithibai College:-MSC COMPUTER SCIENCE PART II 3 Practical – 02 Simulate Binary Counter at Port Aim : Write a program using embedded C to simulate a binary counter. Components Used: i)AT90S8535 Micro controller ii)LED? S iii)Ground Code: #include #include void main() { DDRA = 0xff; PORTA=0x00; while(1) { delay_ms(100); if(PORTA == 0x80) PORTA = 0x01; else PORTA += 1; } } Description: First statement a unsigned char variable (unsigned integers are used to increase the range of numbers the variable can hold) is initialized to 0x01 . port A has been set to this variable . „+? perator stands for bit increment operation . we are incrimenting the bit of led_status to one position of binary number when the one at lsb reaches to the msb (0x80) of the variable we reinitialize the variable to 0x01. The Delay given is of one milli second so the bit shifts after every one second(1000ms) . Output: Mithibai College:-MSC COMPUTER SCIENCE PART II 4 Practical – 03 Generate delay using TIMER_0 Aim : Write a program using embedded C to generate delay using TIMER0. Components Used: i)AT90S8535 Micro controller ii)LED? S iii)Ground Code: #include int timeCount = 0; interrupt[TIM0_OVF] void timer0_ovf_isr(void) { TCNT0 = 6; if(++timeCount == 1000) { PORTA =PORTA ^ 0x01; timeCount = 0; } } void main(void) { DDRA = 0x01; PORTA = 0x01; TCCR0 = 0x02; TIMSK = 0x01; #asm(sei); while(1); } Description: A variable timecount is initialized to 0. In the main function the LSB of PORTA is chosen for output and it is set to 1. Then the TIMER COUNTER CONTROL REGISTER (TCCR0) is initialized in such a way that divide by 8 (CK/8)clock source is selected again the â€Å"timer interrupt mask is set to enable the timer0 counter. #asm† is a assembly language instruction „sei? stands for set enable interrupts to enable all the interrupts. Finaly ainfinite while loop. Then the function with keword interrupt is created. This function will be called automatically when the timer0 overflow interrupt takes place. This function returns nothing, since it is not called by any function and you cant pass any thing to f unction for the same reason . The timer0 is initialized to 6 in this function . As we have chosen ck/8 system as mentioned above and the clock frequency is 4 Mhz that? s why 4/8 Mhz so 500 Khz(0. Mhz) will be the effective frequency so for one tick of counter 1/0. 5 micro sec are required(1/freq. = time) that equals to 2 micro secondes. A timer can count 256 that? s why total of 256*2 that is 512 micro seconds are required . So to make it a round figure i. e. 500 microsecs we Mithibai College:-MSC COMPUTER SCIENCE PART II 5 have to omit 6 ticks of counters that is why we set timer (TCNT0 =6) to 6 so that it ticks from 6 to 256 hence ticks effectively for 250 times (250*2 = 500). and covers 500 micro secs ,when timecount is incremented up to 1000 (1000*500 micro secs = 0. secs). And led toggles after 0. 5 secs. Output: Mithibai College:-MSC COMPUTER SCIENCE PART II 6 Practical – 04 Stepper Motor (Clockwise/Anticlockwise) Aim : Write a program using embedded C to simulate Stepper Motor(Clockwise / AntiClockwise). Components Used: i)AT90S8535 Micro controlle r ii)LED? S iii)Ground iv)STEPPER MOTOR Code: #include #include unsigned char motorStatus = 0x01; void main(void) { DDRA = 0x0f; DDRB = 0x0f; #asm(sei); while(1) { PORTA = motorStatus; PORTB = motorStatus; delay_ms(200); motorStatus

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biography of Gilles de Rais 1404 - 1440

Biography of Gilles de Rais 1404 - 1440 Gilles de Rais was a French noblemen and noted soldier of the fourteenth century who was tried and executed for the murder and torture of numerous children. He is now remembered chiefly as a historical serial killer, but may have been innocent. Gilles de Rais as Noble and Commander Gilles de Laval, Lord of Rais (thus known as Gilles de (of) Rais), was born in 1404 at Champtocà © castle, Anjou, France. His parents were heirs to wealthy land holdings: the lordship of Rais and part of the Laval family possessions on his father’s side and lands belonging to a branch of the Craon family through his mother’s side. He also married into a wealthy line in 1420, uniting with Catherine de Thouars. Consequently Gilles was once of the richest men in the whole of Europe by his teens. He has been described as keeping a more lavish court than even the French king, and he was a great patron of the arts. By 1420 Gilles was fighting in the wars over the succession rights to the Duchy of Brittany, before being involved in the Hundred Years War, fighting against the English in 1427. Having proved himself an able, if brutal and low level, commander, Gilles found himself alongside Joan of Arc, taking part in several battles with her, including the famed rescue of Orlà ©ans in 1429. Thanks to his success, and the crucial influence of Gilles’ cousin, Georges de Ka Trà ©moille, Gilles became a favorite of King Charles VII, who appointed Gilles Marshall of France in 1429; Gilles was only 24 years old. He spent more time with Jeanne’s forces until her capture. The scene was set for Gilles to go on and have a major career, after all, the French were beginning their victory in the Hundred Years War. Gilles de Rais as Serial Killer By 1432 Gilles de Rais had largely retreated to his estates, and we dont really know why. At some stage his interests turned to alchemy and the occult, perhaps after an order, sought by his family in 1435, barred him from selling or mortgaging anymore of his lands and he needed money to continue his lifestyle. He also, possibly, began the kidnap, torture, rape and murder of children, with the number of victims ranging from 30 to upwards of 150 given by different commentators. Some accounts claim this ended up costing GIlles more money as he invested in occult practices which didnt work but cost regardless. We have avoided giving too much detail on Gilles crimes here, but if youre interested a search on the web will bring up the accounts. With one eye on these infractions, and possibly another on seizing Gilles’ land and possessions, the Duke of Brittany and the Bishop of Nantes moved to arrest and prosecute him. He was seized in September 1440 and tried by both ecclesiastical and civil courts. At first he claimed to be not guilty, but â€Å"confessed† under threat of torture, which is no confession at all; the ecclesiastical court found him guilty of heresy, the civil court guilty of murder. He was sentenced to death and hanged on October 26th 1440, being held up as a model of penitence for recanting and apparently accepting his fate. There is an alternative school of thought, one which argues that Gilles de Rais was set-up by the authorities, who had an interest in taking what remained of his wealth, and was actually innocent. The fact his confession was extracted through threat of torture is cited as evidence of severe doubt. Gilles wouldnt be the first European who was set up so people could take wealth, and remove power, by jealous rivals, and the Knights Templar are a very famous example, while Countess Bathory is in much the same position as Gilles, only in her case it looks very likely she was set up instead of just possible. Bluebeard The character of Bluebeard, recorded in a seventeenth century collection of fairy tales called Contes de ma mà ¨re l’oye (Tales of Mother Goose), is believed to be partly based on Breton folk tales which are, in turn, partly based on Gilles de Rais, although the murders have become of wives rather than children.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Patient Teaching Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patient Teaching Plan - Assignment Example Diabetes is a chronic disease which necessitates changes in lifestyle, particularly in the field of nutrition and exercise. The overall objective of this lesson is to assist the patient i.e. Mr. Don Jones with a proper course of action to deal with diabetes and to make self-governed behavioral changes. The study materials for understanding the basic information about diabetes can be found in several websites (Northshore University, 2009). Fundamental and complex thoughts about diabetes are identified and explained completely. Furthermore, connection between different perceptions of diabetes are recognized. 2. Understand the symptoms of diabetes Identification of indications and symptoms which helps to recognize the existence of diabetes among individuals. This lesson requires providing education on the aspects of monitoring blood glucose as well as urine. The patient i.e. Mr. Jones will be reminded about recording information with proper date and time so that he can understand any si gns and symptoms such as urinary band and renal disease among others (Northshore University, 2009). Learning objectives are identified and are fulfilled appropriately. 3. ... He needs to understand how different food products can have a harmful effect on his health as they might increase his blood sugar level. Thus, the patient will be taught about the direction of gathering proper blood samples. Researches have depicted that patients having proper education on comprehending the information about blood sugar level can make better analysis of information (Nadeau, Koski, Strychar & Yale, 2001). The teaching materials are prearranged with brief explanations and finalized in a proper manner. 4. Prepare, combine and vaccinate insulin when required Demonstration of drawing up and injecting insulin to the patients The diabetes patient i.e. Mr. Jones must be prompted about different treatments so that he can manage diabetes as well as can maintain proper diet. Several patients with diabetes frequently become disheartened or despondent while taking medications or insulin. Thus, the teaching session would comprise an appraisal of different types of insulin and the process of blending insulin. This session would also help to clarify the patients regarding management of insulin and medications, and also about the significance of taking therapies as recommended with proper dosage. He will be provided books on diabetes as a part of education material. However, keeping in view that Mr. Jones has a 6th grade reading level and poor eyesight, his diabetes education material would comprise a number of images related to Do’s and Don’ts so that it is easier for him to understand (Northshore University, 2009). The patient is capable of implementing the knowledge appropriately for managing diabetes. 5. Understand risk of side effects from food or medicines Recognition of possible known risks with respect to side effects for medicine and foods